Saturday, June 30, 2007

The Pig is Back!

Yes, Roger we liked your pig tonight

Five quick thoughts from the Roger Waters show at the Xcel:

1. Sheep! (with the new-fangled pig)

2. Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun.

3. The spinning "prism" at the end of Dark Side (which, to be honest, I could have done without the entire album -- it's probably my fifth favorite Floyd album).

4. Apart from a few pointed comments, Roger seemed to be in a good mood (the sold-out house probably helped).

5. Southhampton Dock/Fletcher Memorial Home and Vera Lynn/Bring the Boys Back Home (completed with explosions).

More anon.

And how could I forget Doctor Who?

The final episode of Season 3 is (slowly) arriving. Don't think I'll get to it before the concert, but -- oh man -- I think I'm going to have a class five geek out later today.

Here's the official BBC website:

Doctor Who

Cheers all

More posts are coming, really

Hey. Been supremely busy as of late, but should be posting on a regular basis starting soon (even tonight if possible). Off to see Roger Waters in a few hours. Will post on a trip to Las Vegas (including stuff from a backstage tour of "Love," and impressions of the show). Meanwhile, I'm working through a couple of stacks of CDs, LPs and other releases that have landed on my desk as of late (when I finally retrieved my mail following my Vegas vacation, I literally had a brick of stuff, including a number of albums of interest. There's a nice renaissance of music going on right now -- plenty of artists in a lot of genres making music that's interesting and even thrilling.

But since the Waters concert is only 3 hours away right now, I really can't think about much else. I saw him 20 years ago on the Radio KAOS tour at a venue (the Met Center) that is now the parking lot for the Mall of America. No matter the gap of years, there are still details I remember clear as day from the show -- including the way that old hockey arena pulsed during Welcome to the Machine. We'll see how he does at the new hockey arena tonight.