Saturday, May 24, 2008

Doctor Who vs. Star Trek in a tag-team battle to the death

Er, maybe not, but snarky SF site io9 has an interesting survey of the differing occupations of Who and Trek fans. What the rather non-scientific study (though scientific enough that if it had some kind of health benefit, it would be heralded by the major media as "important new findings" that would have, say, everyone eating jelly at each meal each day) found is that fans of both shows follow fairly similar paths -- both in dreams and realities. I'm not surprised by that, no matter the posturing from the different fan bases, the shows attract the same kind of fans. (Personally, I see no reason to separate them, then again I've watched Doctor Who since 1980 -- actually earlier, as a local TV station broadcast it after school for a few months around 1978 -- and Trek literally from the time I was born, as my parents and older siblings were avid watchers, even in the show's death knell in 1969).

What's really great is the jolly time line of the two shows that's about half-way down the page. While Trek gets standard icons, each Doctor gets an adorable avatar to represent his era -- the BBC could market those as some kind of "Baby Docs..." er wait, maybe we should rethink that name.

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